CHICAGO – State Rep. Justin Slaughter, D-Chicago, last week partnered with Community Assistance Programs (CAPs) to host a community job readiness and workforce development workshop aimed at helping residents secure jobs.
“With the state doing its best to transition from the pandemic back to normalcy, it’s critical that we help our workforce do the same,” said Slaughter. “There are thousand of available jobs that are in need of a prepared and qualified worker to fill the role and its events like this that help to address those needs.”
Slaughter and CAPs hosted the job readiness and workforce dvelopment on Thursday, July 29 outside Slaughter’s district office to increase social distancing and avoid the transmission of COVID-19 amongst individuals gathered in an indoor setting. Representatives from CAPs assisted attendees with preparing for job interviews, resume writing and job readiness. All attendees will continue to work with CAPs to complete a job training program and be matched with a job.
“In these difficult times, we have to make sure that we are prepared to address the inequality that has plagued our community,” said Slaughter. “I am proud to continue to work with organizations like CAPs to continue to address this need and create opportunity where it is most needed.”
For more information, please reach out to Rep. Slaughter’s office at 773-445-9700 or