SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – To protect and strengthen workers’ rights, state Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa, sponsored a constitutional amendment to protect employees’ rights to collectively bargain in the state of Illinois.
“As a proud member of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, I am an ardent supporter of an employee’s right to collectively bargain and unionize,” said Yednock “A workers’ right to protect themselves and their fellow co-workers leads to a better workplace, more efficient production and longevity of employees. Organized labor has helped build many local economies and by ensuring that those who wish to organize have the right to do so, we can help create stronger and better jobs for working families.”
Senate Joint Resolution Constitutional Amendment 11 (SJRCA 11), co-sponsored by Yednock, adds a question to the ballot in the next state general election to allow voters to decide if the Illinois Constitution should add protections for all employees in Illinois to collectively bargain. Currently, the Illinois Constitution has no protections for an employee’s right to unionize or collectively bargain. Before joining the Illinois General Assembly, Yednock served as an executive board member of Local 150 and worked as an equipment operator for 31 years. Yednock also currently works as a business agent for Local 150.
“This legislation allows the citizens of Illinois to decide if we want to make this change to allow the protections of workers to become part of our state’s guiding document,” said Yednock. “Working men and women have helped build our state and nation, and by making sure that workers are protected in safe working environment with fair wages, we can continue to move our state and our economy forward.”