“As expected, the Republicans are doing everything in their power to block a map that reflects the true diversity of Illinois in hopes that they get a chance to single handedly draw a map for their political gain,” said Rep. Lisa Hernandez, Chair of the House Redistricting Committee. “Republicans in the House have done nothing but attempt to obstruct this citizen-driven process. They’ve staged charades for the media while spending well over $500,000 of taxpayer money out of their redistricting budget, but couldn’t even bother to submit their own proposals to be considered. This is just another disappointing waste of taxpayer dollars, but not at all surprising. We have full confidence in the maps passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Pritzker, and we will continue to review this lawsuit.” 

Rep. Lisa HernandezRep. Lisa Hernandez


24th District

Visit Rep Lisa Hernandez website

Springfield Office:
109 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8173

District Office:
6117 West Cermak Road
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 222-5240
(708) 222-5241 FAX