SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Dan Didech, D-Buffalo Grove, issued the following statement upon the General Assembly’s adjournment on Monday:

“I feel more optimistic for the future of Illinois than ever before. Earlier this year, my colleagues and I elected state Rep. Emanuel “Chris” Welch as Speaker of the House for the 102nd General Assembly, because Springfield needed new perspectives and ideas. From passing comprehensive ethics reforms, to demanding justice and promoting equality, this historic legislative session was about putting the needs and values of our families and our communities first.

“We came together to pass common sense ethics reform, a long overdue goal of this legislative body. Legislators should not be allowed to moonlight as lobbyists on the side. Illinoisans know corruption when they see it, and having Springfield politicians lobby Chicago politicians and vice-versa is a recipe for disaster.

“Our state’s budget lives within its means while paying down the state’s backlog of debt, because the last thing working families need are new taxes or more reckless spending from Springfield. We came together to ensure that our schools are properly funded while we took advantage of cost-saving measures to ensure that essential services are maintained to care for the vulnerable.

“I look forward to continuing to work in good faith with legislators of all persuasions. My goal is to enact lasting and meaningful reforms that prioritize the well-being of all Illinoisans.”

Rep. Daniel DidechRep. Daniel Didech

(D-Buffalo Grove)
59th District
Visit Rep. Dan Didech’s website

Springfield Office:
200-5S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0499

District Office:
Vernon Township Administrative Building
3050 N. Main St.
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
(847) 478-9909