SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Following the governor’s annual budget address on Wednesday, state Rep. Barbara Hernandez, D-Aurora, released the following statement:

“As we begin a new budget crafting process, it is important to recognize that there will be many difficult choices in developing a bipartisan, balanced budget that meets our priorities. I am committed to prioritizing COVID-19 relief, and the governor’s address today reiterates the fact that states are in dire need of federal assistance to pay for the new expenses created by the pandemic and to help ensure fair and efficient vaccine distribution.

“In order to help our state recover from the effects of the pandemic, we must create a budget that provides support for local businesses, assistance for those facing unemployment and resources for essential employees. We must also ensure funding for critical services that will move Illinois forward, such as education and job training, health care and mental health services and senior care. Additionally, it is critical that we provide funding for domestic violence shelters and community-based violence prevention efforts that will work to improve public safety in our communities.

“While we have a long road ahead, I am committed to working with the governor and my colleagues in the General Assembly to pass an on-time budget that controls spending, lives within our means and meets our needs as we work toward growth and recovery.”

For more information, please contact Hernandez’s constituent services office at 630-270-1848 or email RepBarbaraHernandez@gmail.com.

Rep. Barbara HernandezRep. Barbara Hernandez

83rd District

Springfield Office:
233-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 558-1002
District Office:
540 W. Galena Blvd.
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 270-1848