“The pandemic has caused a further decline in blood donations throughout the past year, and in recognition of National Blood Donor Month, I am encouraging all who are able to donate blood to do so,” said Mussman. “In addition to COVID-19, recent natural disasters across the nation have also contributed to blood shortages, making the need for donations even more crucial.”
Mussman is encouraging local residents who are able to donate blood to consider making an appointment for a donation. Residents should call 877-258-4825 or visit vitalant.org and use the group code 005H to make an appointment. Face coverings are required, and donors will receive a free pint of Culver’s frozen custard for participating. Blood donations will also be tested for COVID-19 antibodies, which may allow donors to be eligible to provide plasma to individuals currently fighting the virus.
“I am grateful for organizations like Vitalant that provide critical aid for those most in need of blood donations, and I’m excited for the opportunity to host another blood drive in our community,” continued Mussman. “I urge eligible community members to help save lives by donating blood, and I look forward to seeing residents in our area come together to make a difference.”
For more information, please contact Mussman’s full-time constituent service office at 847-923-9104 or email StateRepMussman@gmail.com.