LOMBARD – State Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Glen Ellyn, is urging constituents to celebrate National Handwashing Awareness Week by keeping their hands clean and helping to curb the spread of COVID-19.
“Public health experts agree that proper handwashing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus – and it’s also one of the easiest prevention measures at our disposal,” Costa Howard said. “After eight months of this pandemic, it’s useful to have this reminder that we need to stay vigilant to protect ourselves and the people we love. When we wash our hands frequently and thoroughly, we are joining the fight against this terrible virus.”
To help parents teach small children good handwashing habits, Costa Howard recommends using the posters and coloring pages on the Henry the Hand Foundation website, at henrythehand.com.
“When young children learn good hygiene habits, it helps them to stay healthier throughout their lives,” Costa Howard said. “The coloring pages and other resources from Henry the Hand can help parents teach children about handwashing in ways that’s memorable and fun.”