“Due to COVID-19, families were given an extension to file their income taxes, and it is now time for those who have not yet filed to do so,” said Pappas. “The pandemic has placed an undue burden on hard-working families throughout the state, and hopefully this extension has provided them with a sense of relief during these difficult times.”
Pappas encourages residents who have not already filed their state or federal taxes to do so by July 15 to avoid any penalties or late fees. The extensions applied to individuals, trusts and corporations, and 85% of Illinois residents have filed their state returns. Residents can visit www.irs.gov to file their federal taxes for free, request an extension or apply for coronavirus aid. To file state taxes and learn more about additional state taxpayer resources, residents can visit www.revenue.illinois.gov. Pappas encourages taxpayers who anticipate a refund to file their returns as soon as possible.
“There are many different resources available to residents right now, both at the state and federal level, and I hope that people take the time to learn about what assistance they may qualify for,” said Pappas. “My office is always a resource for community members to use if they are looking to navigate state resources. If anyone has any questions or ideas about what more can be done to lift up Illinois families, please contact my office. By working together, we can truly make our state better for everyone.”
Residents can stay informed on developments with the COVID-19 pandemic by reviewing the State of Illinois website at www.coronavirus.illinois.gov. Pappas encourages residents with questions or concerns to contact her district office at 224-520-8838 or email RepDPappas@gmail.com.