LOMBARD – After a fruitful and thought-provoking inaugural event, state Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Glen Ellyn, will host the second in her three-part series of community conversations on race. The next conversation, which will focus on law enforcement, will be held via video link on Tuesday, July 14 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
“It is so important for us to speak honestly and listen to each other without defensiveness or judgment,” said Costa Howard. “As we move forward, we need to invite law enforcement into the conversation, so we can work together to develop real, lasting solutions to the racist divisions that exist in our communities.”
Residents interested in taking part in this conversation may email Staff@RepTCH48.com to receive a link to the upcoming Zoom meeting or submit questions in advance.
“Talking about race can be difficult and painful for all of us,” Costa Howard said. “Those of us who have not suffered from racial discrimination have a duty to stand up for justice in our communities. I’m hopeful that this conversation with law enforcement will give all of us an opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and come up with some new ideas that will help us make meaningful progress and achieve real change.”