“Each and every day health care professionals across our state go to work to keep us safe and help put an end to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Manley. “There is no way to say thank you enough to the medical professionals that are working hard on the front lines every to help those that are sick and stop the spread of this potentially fatal disease.”
Manley is thanking local nurses, physicians and other health care professionals that are currently fighting to help those that are impacted by COVID-19 in our community. Manley is also highlighting the Retired Physician Volunteer Program, urging retired physicians to consider volunteering to help save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Retired medical professionals interested in volunteering should visit the Illinois State Medical Society’s website and fill out a Volunteer Inquiry Form at https://www.isms.org/Resources/For_Physicians/Retired_Physician_Volunteer_Program/.
“While we are living through this scary, unprecedented situation, it is extremely important that we follow recommendations like practicing social distancing and comply with the governor’s stay at home order to complement the work of our community’s medical heroes,” continued Manley. “While our local medical professionals are hard at work to keep us safe, it is critical that we each do our part to help stop the spread of COVID-19.”
For more information, please contact Manley’s constituent service office at 815-725-2741 or RepManley@gmail.com.