“When a vacancy occurs on a community college’s board of trustees, local residents deserve an opportunity to weigh in and submit the names of well-qualified people to be considered for appointment,” said Costa Howard. “Right now, those critical vacancies are being filled through back-room deals to appoint political insiders. We need to bring transparency to this important process and make sure the public is adequately notified of board vacancies before any replacements are named.”
Costa Howard introduced House Bill 3914, which requires community college boards of trustees to publish notice of a vacancy for at least 30 days following a board member’s resignation. The board also must accept applications from the public to fill vacant board positions.
“Our community college systems are partly supported by property taxes, and their boards of trustees make decisions that affect all of us,” Costa Howard added. “This measure will help to strengthen public trust in our government institutions by giving residents a stronger voice in choosing the leaders who set budgets and policies for our vital community colleges.”