SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Barbara Hernandez, D-Aurora, is working to get guns out of dangerous hands by backing legislation to expand the list of people who can file for a firearm restraining order to include employers, coworkers and teachers.

“Last year, our community was visited by tragedy in the form of a workplace shooting that could have been prevented by early warning. If legislation like this bill was in place, that shooting may never have happened,” Hernandez said. “I’m determined to do all I can to stop more mass shootings in this community or any community across Illinois.”

Hernandez introduced House Bill 5664, which expands the list of people who can petition a court to issue a firearm restraining order on a person deemed a safety hazard to include employers, coworkers and teachers. This legislation is in response to the Henry Pratt Company shooting in Aurora in February of 2019, in which six people lost their lives and six people were injured after an unbalanced employee attacked the workplace with a gun.

“Expanding who can call for a firearm restraining order will save lives while cracking down on the spread of gun violence,” Hernandez said. “Keeping our community safe will always be my first priority, and addressing the dangers posed by unstable individuals who are armed is a critical part of that goal.”

Rep. Barbara HernandezRep. Barbara Hernandez

83rd District

Springfield Office:
233-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 558-1002
District Office:
540 W. Galena Blvd.
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 270-1848