SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Continuing to pursue ethics reforms in Illinois government, state Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines, has filed legislation prohibiting local elected officials from financially benefitting from any lobbying efforts while in office.

“It is completely unethical for any elected official to profit off of the legislative efforts they undertake,” Moylan said. “Elected officials cannot have any financial incentive related to lobbying while in office without a conflict of interest. The only obligation they should have is to the residents they were elected to serve.”

Moylan introduced House Bill 4682 as another one of several ethics reforms he has proposed. This bill would ensure that members of a legislative body within a unit of local government may not accept outside compensation for any promoting or opposing the passage of legislative matters. Local elected officials would still be allowed to actively support or oppose legislative matters, but they may not be additionally compensated for those efforts.

“This is another example of the loopholes that can be exploited and easily lead to corruption in government,” Moylan said. “It is a practice that we have to end now. We need to come together on a bipartisan basis to clean up government in Illinois so we represent residents fairly and ethically.”

For more information about this legislation please contact Moylan’s full-time constituent office at 847-635-6821 or email StateRepMoylan@gmail.com.

Rep. Marty MoylanRep. Marty Moylan

(D-Des Plaines)
55th District

Visit Rep Moylan’s website

Springfield Office:
292-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8007

District Office:
24 S. Des Plaines River Rd.
Ste. 400
Des Plaines, IL 60016
(847) 635-6821
(847) 635-8565 FAX