SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado, D-Chicago, introduced a package of legislation which prohibits elected officials from holding office while working as lobbyists; establishes a “cooling off period” before former lawmakers can become lobbyists; and empowers the Legislative Inspector General with true independence to hold misconduct accountable.

“True ethics reform includes empowering the legislature’s watchdog to be independent and putting an end to the revolving door of lawmakers becoming lobbyists,” Delgado said. “We must ensure that people in Illinois government believe in the dignity of public service and root out those who engage in greed and graft.”

As part of her commitment to deliver comprehensive ethics reforms, Delgado introduced:

  • House Bill 4981, which would prohibit state lawmakers from lobbying any unit of local government while holding public office;
  • House Bill 4984, which would establish a “cooling off” period by prohibiting former lawmakers from lobbying the state legislature for at least 2 years after leaving office; and
  • House Bill 4982, which would prohibit the Legislative Ethics Commission from requiring the Legislative Inspector General (LIG) to receive their approval before commencing any investigation. Currently, the LIG is required by rule to seek the Commission’s approval before looking into any potential legislator and employee misconduct and publishing their findings.

“It is unacceptable that the office that is tasked with investigating ethics violations must first seek permission from the very institution it’s supposed to hold accountable,” Delgado said. “We must reject any watered down proposal disguised as reform just so people can pat themselves in the back and say they did something.”

Rep. Eva Dina DelgadoRep. Eva Dina Delgado

3rd District

Springfield Office:
200-1S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0480

District Office:
6309 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60634
(773) 237-4558