SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Red light cameras would be banned across the state under new legislation sponsored by state Rep. Nathan Reitz, D-Steeleville.

“Red light cameras do not make our roads any safer. Instead of improving our public safety, red light cameras take money from the pockets of families that may already be struggling to make ends meet,” said Reitz. “There are better ways to keep our communities safe, including protecting investments in our state and local police force.”

Reitz is backing House Bill 322 to prohibit non-home rule towns from utilizing red light cameras as traffic enforcement systems. Reitz’s measure is supported by a wide bipartisan coalition of lawmakers and recently passed out of the House Transportation: Vehicles and Safety Committee with unanimous support.

“With recent bad actors in the news, we have seen that the red light camera industry has continually been used to take advantage of Illinois residents,” continued Reitz. “I will continue to work to put an end to corruption in government and pass smart legislation to help Southern Illinoisans keep their hard-earned money.”

For more information, contact Rep. Reitz’s constituent service office at 618-282-7284 or RepNReitz@gmail.com.

Rep. Nathan ReitzRep. Nathan Reitz

116th District

Springfield Office:
200-7S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1018

District Office:
124 Locust Street
Red Bud, IL  62278
(618) 282-7284
(618) 282-7286 FAX