CHICAGO – State Rep. Justin Slaughter, D-Chicago, is partnering with Women Employed to host a workshop focused on helping women understand the state’s new equal pay measure and salary negotiation strategies on Thursday, Feb. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at his district office, located at 1234 W. 95th St. in Chicago.
“We must do more to combat gender-based discrimination and close the wage gap,” Slaughter said. “I look forward to working with Women Employed to help equip the women in our community with the tools and skills they need to negotiate a salary that they deserve.”
Slaughter will be joined by Cherita Ellens, the Chief Executive Officer of Women Employed, a nonprofit organization focused on promoting equity and education for working women. Attendees will receive information about the state’s new equal pay legislation and how it affects them. The event will also include a discussion on how past salaries can reinforce gender and racial wage gaps, and what strategies to use to negotiate one’s salary. This event is free and open to the public.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Rep. Slaughter’s constituent services office at 773-445-9700.