OTTAWA – State Rep. Lance Yednock, D-Ottawa, is helping announce that the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has awarded grants to five Illinois Valley infrastructure repair projects in four different municipalities of Bureau and LaSalle County.

“These types of investments not only represent new development for our communities, but also improve our current infrastructure and safety,” said Yednock. “These millions of dollars will help improve our standard of living and make needed improvements to housing and water and sewer systems across the Illinois Valley.”

The total award amounts to $2.3 million in Community Development Block Grant funding. The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is one of the longest continuously run programs at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Although federally funded, DCEO administers the program, and awards funds to support local community development activities such as affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure development.

Spring Valley will receive $800,000 to rehabilitate 10 housing units and to make necessary improvements to the sanitary sewer system to eliminate potential threats to health & safety. $500,000 will be invested to replace the Oakbrook water tower and another $500,000 will be directed to the city of Ottawa for sewer reconstruction and to reduce untreated sewage releases into the Illinois River. The final $500,000 will be granted to the city of LaSalle to construct storm sewers along portions of Tonti, LaHarpe, Zinc and Sterling Streets, while work will also be done to Porter Ave. on the east side of LaSalle.

“These projects are a good start, but I’ll continue to fight in Springfield by ensuring our communities see the funds necessary so our community can realize its full potential,” said Yednock. “Making sure that our local infrastructure is updated and safe for our families is one of my top priorities.”

 For more information, Yednock’s constituent service office can be reached at (815) 324-5055 or by email at

Rep. Lance YednockRep. Lance Yednock

76th District

Springfield Office:
240A-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0140

District Office:
628 Columbus St.
Suite 204
Ottawa, IL 61350
(815) 324-5055