SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Barbara Hernandez, D-Aurora, is supporting the significance of universal voting rights by backing a resolution to commemorate the efforts of millions of American women who fought for suffrage.
“Suffrage finally gave women a fair place in American democracy that, for years, was denied to us. The importance of this accomplishment is hard to overstate, and all the women who spent years fighting for the right to vote deserve our thanks,” Hernandez said. “Equal representation in government begins with the equal right to vote, and, as a female representative, I am proud to be part of the legacy of that right.”
Hernandez is supporting House Resolution 623, which commemorates the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in the United States. A woman’s right to vote was enshrined in our laws by the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution on August 18, 1920. This achievement was made possible by long efforts by millions of women and men across the country, and paved the way for fairer governments everywhere. The Illinois Legislature now has more female representatives than ever before, a status made possible years ago by the suffrage movement.
“I’m proud of Illinois’ history of leading the way on this issue, and I will fight so the coming years show continued progress for women’s rights,” Hernandez said. “Whether in the form of equal pay between genders, workplaces free of discrimination and harassment or the right to choose, our community’s next generation of young women deserve to grow up on the same footing as men.”