COLLINSVILLE, Ill. – To promote public safety across the community, state Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, is highlighting December as Impaired Driving Prevention Month.

“Drunk driving is extremely dangerous and puts the driver, their passengers and other people out on the road at risk of harm. Thankfully it is completely preventable,” said Stuart. “Accidents are more bound to happen in the winter months as we experience poor weather conditions, so it is imperative to be responsible and safe during the holiday season. If you have been drinking, don’t get behind the wheel of a car.”

Impaired driving has taken an enormous toll on American lives. In a recent report, the National

Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that, in 2017, over 10,000 lives were lost in alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes alone. The same report shows alcohol-related crashes making up almost 30% of all traffic fatalities; 100% of which are preventable.

“In addition to being very dangerous, impaired driving is also a crime. If you have been drinking, just call a cab to get home. Causing a car accident or getting arrested is not worth it,” continued Stuart. “Putting an end to impaired driving will save lives. I will continue my efforts to keep our families safe and promote public safety throughout our community.”

Rep. Katie StuartRep. Katie Stuart

112th District
Springfield Office:
253-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8018
District Office:
2105 Vandalia St.
Unit #16
Collinsville, IL 62234

Phone: (618) 365-6650