SPRINGFIELD, Ill – Working to eliminate unnecessary overhead costs and secure the financial standing of first responder pension systems, state Rep. Marty Moylan, D- Des Plaines, recently voted to consolidate more than 600 police and fire department pension funds across the state.  

“It is imperative that we provide our first responders the quality pensions they have earned,” Moylan said. “This legislation acknowledges the tremendous service these brave men and women provide by securing our state’s promise to them, while also ensuring these pension systems are run more efficiently and effectively moving forward.”

The Moylan-supported Senate Bill 1300 aims to improve first responder retirement benefits by consolidating more than 600 suburban and downstate police and fire pension systems across the state. This would increase the investing capability of the funds and ensure a higher level of stability, while also easing the reliance on property tax revenue.

“Residents deserve to have their tax dollars be used as efficiently as possible,” Moylan said. “I consistently hear from families who are concerned about making ends meet due to skyrocketing property tax bills. This pension consolidation plan is another step to eliminate overhead costs and bring needed relief to homeowners.”

For more information about this legislation please contact Moylan’s full-time constituent office at 847-635-6821 or email StateRepMoylan@gmail.com.

Rep. Marty MoylanRep. Marty Moylan

(D-Des Plaines)
55th District

Visit Rep Moylan’s website

Springfield Office:
292-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8007

District Office:
24 S. Des Plaines River Rd.
Ste. 400
Des Plaines, IL 60016
(847) 635-6821
(847) 635-8565 FAX