SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Student athletes receive a fair stake of the revenue colleges and universities earn off of their name, likeness and performance under legislation recently passed by state Rep. John Connor, D-Lockport.

“The compensation system in collegiate athletics is completely one-sided, and it has to change,” Connor said. “Student athletes give their time and talent, not to mention names and likenesses, to college sports. A generation of talented young adults are not getting a nickel from the billion-dollar industry they are largely responsible for.”

Connor voted to pass House Bill 3904, the Student Athlete Endorsement Act, which allows student athletes at Illinois colleges and universities to receive a share of the revenue schools make from using the students’ names and images in print, on television and in other media. Additionally, college athletes would have the option to seek professional representation to ensure their rights are protected. The legislation passed the state House with strong support and will be considered by the state Senate in the coming weeks.

This legislation follows a recent court ruling which stated the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) could not prevent payments to student athletes without violating anti-trust laws.

“I’m committed to building a stronger, fairer Illinois. To make that fairness a reality, employees in every field deserve reasonable compensation for their efforts,” Connor said. “I want all of our kids to grow up in a world where no one is denied a share of the money they’ve rightfully earned.”

Rep. John ConnorRep. John Connor

85th District
Springfield Office:
284-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4179
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16151 S. Weber Road
Suite 103
Crest Hill, IL 60403
(815) 372-0085