BELLEVILLE, Ill. – To help local residents protect themselves from identity fraud, state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, and state Rep. LaToya Greenwood, D-East St. Louis, are partnering to host a free community shred day later this month.

“Scammers are sometimes able to steal a person’s identity simply by rummaging through garbage and finding documents with sensitive information,” said Hoffman. “Shredding old documents that contain personally identifiable information like old bank statements, tax returns and outdated medical records is one of the best ways to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud.”

Hoffman and Greenwood are inviting local residents to stop by their free community shred day on Saturday, Nov. 23 from 9 a.m. to noon at Pirtle’s Famous Ice Cream, located at 1040 Carlyle Ave. in Belleville. There is a two box limit per car and those attending should remove all paper clips, staples and other bindings. This event is free and open to the public.

“Becoming a victim of identity theft can be very costly, both financially and emotionally, but can be prevented by shredding your old documents you no longer need,” continued Hoffman. “I encourage local residents to take advantage of this opportunity to protect your privacy by shredding old documents. I hope to see you at my community shred day later this month.”

For more information, please call Rep. Hoffman’s constituent service office at 618-416-7407 or email

Rep. Jay HoffmanRep. Jay Hoffman

Assistant Majority Leader (D-Belleville) 113th District

Springfield Office:
300 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

District Office:
312 S. High St.
Belleville, IL 62220
(618) 416-7407
(618) 416-7409 FAX