ALTON, Ill. – To help protect local jobs and industries in the region, state Rep. Monica Bristow, D-Alton, sponsored and passed bipartisan legislation keeping Illinois businesses competitive in the field of aviation repair.

“With rising concerns about people and businesses leaving Illinois, we need to be doing what we can to keep these businesses and jobs from moving to other states,” said Bristow. “This legislation will keep Illinois competitive in aviation repair and keep thousands of high paying jobs across our state and hundreds in Metro East from potentially moving.”

Bristow sponsored House Bill 3902 which reinstates a tax credit that will allow aviation repair stations across the state to remain competitive and continue providing high paying jobs and economic growth in their communities. If signed into law, Illinois will once again join 36 other states with similar legislation and keep Illinois from losing businesses and jobs to neighboring states. The legislation will directly impact local businesses such as West Star Aviation in East Alton, which provides maintenance and repair services for private aircraft and employs more than 500 Metro East residents. The legislation passed the Illinois House with overwhelming bipartisan support and will now move to the Senate.

“The legislation sponsored by Rep. Bristow helps protect local jobs and our local economy,” said John Keller, President of Riverbend Growth Association. “West Star Aviation employs 507 people in the Riverbend Region and has made significant investments in increasing their local payroll and providing good-paying salaries for the employees so they can support their families. Without this legislation, this local business and many others across the state, employing thousands, could see significant layoffs and reductions in business. We want thank Rep. Bristow for her work in protecting local businesses and keeping these jobs here in our community.”

“We are in a highly competitive field and we are grateful to Rep. Bristow for helping Illinois stay competitive,” said Jim Rankin, West Star Aviation CEO. “This legislation greatly helps our more than 500 employees and allow us to stay in Illinois.”

Rep. Monica BristowRep. Monica Bristow

111th District
Springfield Office:
269-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5996
District Office:
102 W. 9th St.
Suite 104
Alton, IL 62002
(618) 465-5900
(618) 465-5150 FAX