ROUND LAKE BEACH, Ill. – As part of his work to reform the ways that local governments operate, state Rep. Sam Yingling, D-Grayslake, is backing legislation that will end the use of red light cameras in Illinois. Yingling is co-sponsoring House Bill 323, a bipartisan bill that disallows municipalities from using red light cameras.

 “With little to no evidence showing that they decrease traffic accidents, red light cameras serve no purpose other than to gouge residents of their money,” said Yingling. “There are far better ways for municipalities to provide effective and efficient services without fining residents.”

Since entering the General Assembly, Yingling has focused much of his attention to make local government more transparent and accountable to the public. This past session, Yingling passed a package of reforms that, among many provisions, allowed for local government offices to be more regularly audited. Backing the bipartisan effort to ban red light cameras is another way that Yingling is looking to make local governments work better for the constituents that they serve.

“Local government has a direct impact on residents by determining the quality of schools, roads and other essentials services that residents rely upon every day,” said Yingling. “Red light cameras are a lazy way for municipalities to make a quick buck at the expense of those they are supposed to serve, and I will not stand for them to continue to harm residents throughout the state.”

Rep. Sam YinglingRep. Sam Yingling

(D-Round Lake Beach)
62nd District

Visit Rep Yingling’s website

Springfield Office:
259-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-7320

District Office:
1919 IL Route 83
Suite 1
Round Lake Beach, IL 60073
(847) 231-6262
(847) 231-6102 FAX