NORTHBROOK, Ill. – State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Northbrook, has been named to the Midwestern Legislative Conference Health and Human Services committee to keep fighting for accessible social services and affordable health care for middle-class families.

“I’m looking forward to another opportunity to fight for our community and make critical services more affordable,” Carroll said. “Middle-class families deserve a stronger Illinois where access to lifesaving medication is never in question because big pharmaceutical companies care more about profits than they do about patients.”

Carroll was appointed to the Midwestern Legislative Conference Health and Human Services committee to help create new policy solutions to make health care more affordable, promote disability rights, and work for increased opportunities for low-income families. Carroll was also named to the Health and Human Services Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) to provide additional policy plans, like his sesame food packaging and EpiPen coverage laws, to other state elected officials.

“With the passage of the Reproductive Health Act, coverage for EpiPens and modernized sesame food-labeling this year, Illinois has been a leader in providing more accessible and affordable health care,” Carroll said. “I will always fight to expand access to health care, making sure Illinois families are our number one priority.”

Rep. Jonathan CarrollRep. Jonathan Carroll

(D-Buffalo Grove)
57th District
Springfield Office:
231-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 558-1004
District Office:
3153 Dundee Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
(847) 229-5499
(847) 229-5487 Fax