SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Mike Halpin, D-Rock Island, is calling for fairness for collegiate athletes by backing new legislation which will allow them to receive fair compensation for use of their names and images, and contract professional representation.

“Workers in any field and at any age deserve fair compensation for effort and dedication like what many collegiate athletes display,” Halpin said. “Universities have been reaping the benefits of that work for years. This legislation will put a stop to this inequality.”

Halpin is sponsoring House Bill 3904, the Student Athlete Endorsement Act, which allows student athletes at Illinois colleges and universities to receive a share of the revenue schools make from using the students’ names and images in print, on television and in other media. Additionally, college athletes would have the option to seek professional representation to ensure their rights are protected.

This legislation follows a recent court ruling which stated the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA) could not prevent payments to student athletes without violating anti-trust laws.

“These young people are the most critical element making up a multibillion dollar college athletics industry, but they aren’t receiving their fair share of those profits,” Halpin said. “This measure will help bring us closer to a free and equal community for everyone.”

Rep. Mike HalpinRep. Mike Halpin

(D-Rock Island)
72nd District
Springfield Office:
272-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5970
District Office:
1504 3rd Ave., 2nd Floor
County Office Bldg.
Rock Island, IL  61201
(309) 558-3612
(309) 793-4764 FAX