ALTON, Ill. – State Rep. Monica Bristow, D-Alton, recently partnered with the Alton Township Assessor and the Chief Madison County Assessor to host a series of events to help provide new information to residents about property tax exemptions and ways to help lower their bill.
“After having several groups of homeowners attend our property tax seminars and office hours, we found that many people are not taking advantage of the various tax exemptions available to them,” said Bristow. “These exemptions can help residents save hundreds or thousands each year on their tax bill, but many are unaware of the exemptions for which they qualified.”
On Aug. 22, Bristow hosted satellite office hours with Alton Township Assessor, Sheryl Beilsmith, and later hosted a seminar on Aug. 26 with Madison County Chief Assessor, Joe Dauderman. Presenters provided attendees with a brief overview of exemptions and then offered one-on-one conversations with residents to answer questions and ensure they were receiving any exemptions they were eligible for. Bristow will be hosting a second seminar with Dauderman at the Bethalto Senior Center, located at 100 E. Central Street in Bethalto on Sept. 3 at 6:00 p.m. and not on Sept. 6 as previously released. This is free event and no reservation is required. Residents are encouraged to bring a copy of their latest property tax.
“At both events, nearly everyone who attended was able to learn about exemptions they qualified for and were able to lower their tax bill,” said Bristow. “As a recently appointed member to the Property Tax Relief Task Force, I am glad I am already able to help lower local homeowner’s tax bills though exemptions currently being offered in Madison County.”

Pictured: State Rep. Monica Bristow, D-Alton, is joined by Madison County Chief Assessor, Joseph Dauderman, at her Property Tax Seminar on Aug. 26, where homeowners were presented with a brief overview of property tax exemptions and then offered one-on-one conversations to answer questions and ensure they were receiving any exemptions they were eligible for.
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