NORTHBROOK, Ill. – State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Northbrook, recently mailed another set of cell phones to the charity Cell Phones for Soldiers, which helps overseas service members connect with their families back home.
“Our service members who are working overseas don’t always have an easy time staying connected with their loved ones, but we can make that easier,” Carroll said. “For more than a year now, my office has helped collect dozens of phones so members of our armed forces can call their families. I encourage anyone with a working cellphone and power cord they no longer use to come by my office and donate. It can make a huge difference in someone’s life, and service members deserve our support.”
Carroll has volunteered his office as a drop off point for used cell phones to give to the non-profit, Cell Phones for Soldiers, which ships phones overseas to service members who often have a hard time staying in touch with their families in the United States. If you have a working cell phone and power cord you don’t need and would like to join the effort, you can drop it off at Carroll’s district office, located at 3153 Dundee Road in Northbrook. Carroll’s office is also available for questions if you call 847-229-5499.

Pictured: State Rep. Jonathan Carroll (left) working with volunteers to send cell phones to service members overseas.
Springfield Office:
231-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 558-1004
District Office:
3153 Dundee Road
Northbrook, IL 60062
(847) 229-5499
(847) 229-5487 Fax