SPRINGFIELD Ill. – Legislation guaranteeing employment and healthcare rights to living organ donors sponsored by state Rep. Deb Conroy, D-Villa Park, herself a kidney donor, was signed into law last week.

“Organ donation changed my family’s lives forever. I was fortunate as a kidney donor to have the flexibility to take time off of work for preliminary tests and the recovery period without fear of retaliation,” said Conroy, who successfully donated a kidney to her ex-husband last summer. “No one should have to choose between saving a life or keeping their job or health insurance coverage. My bill ensures that living organ donors are guaranteed basic rights as they go through the selfless journey of organ donation.”

Conroy’s House Bill 2847 prevents employers from retaliating against an employee asking for time off in order to donate an organ or blood. Under this new law, insurance companies cannot decline, limit or raise the cost of insurance on a person because of their status as a living donor. Additionally, the Secretary of State will be required to update and improve outreach about live organ donation. Over a third of all organ donations come from living donors.

Pictured: Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs state Rep. Deb Conroy’s organ donor bill of rights legislation into law as Conroy, an organ donor, and her family look on.

Pictured: Gov. J.B. Pritzker signs state Rep. Deb Conroy’s organ donor bill of rights legislation into law as Conroy, an organ donor, and her family look on.

Rep. Deborah ConroyRep. Deborah Conroy

(D-Villa Park)
46th District

Springfield Office:
275-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8158

District Office:
28 S. Villa Ave.
Villa Park, IL 60181
(630) 415-3520
(630) 415-3522 FAX