CASEYVILLE, Ill. – To protect seniors from predatory scams and identity theft, State. Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, hosted a Senior Fraud Prevention Seminar with state Senator Rachelle Crowe, D – Glen Carbon, and the Illinois Attorney General’s Office to highlight warning signs for common fraud and identity theft tactics. The seminar was held at the Caseyville Public Library.  

“Fraud and identity theft are scary for any age group, but seniors are especially at risk for these scams. That is why I wanted to have an event specifically for my older constituents to ask questions and learn about what these scams can look like,” said Stuart. “The seminar gave attendees the tools and knowledge they need to protect themselves from scams and identity theft tactics that can be harmful to their personal and financial wellbeing.”

At the seminar, the Attorney General’s Office gave a presentation outlining common scams and identity theft schemes. After giving an overview of common scams, they discussed tips for spotting financial scams or identity theft over the phone and online. Following the presentation, there was time for questions from the audience about their own experiences.  

“Overall, the event was successful, and individuals left feeling that they learned how to spot common scams to protect themselves from falling into these traps,” said Stuart, “I’d like to thank the Attorneys General’s Office for their work to protect our seniors and educate individuals about the dangers of fraud.” 

State Senator Rachelle Crowe (left) and state Representative Katie Stuart (right) talk with seniors about preventing identity theft

State Senator Rachelle Crowe (left) and state Representative Katie Stuart (right) talk with seniors about preventing identity theft

Rep. Katie StuartRep. Katie Stuart

112th District
Springfield Office:
253-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8018
District Office:
2105 Vandalia St.
Unit #16
Collinsville, IL 62234

Phone: (618) 365-6650