COLLINSVILLE, Ill. – Residents wanting to learn how to save money on their property tax bills are encouraged to attend a free seminar hosted by state Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, on Wednesday, July 17 at noon at the Collinsville Senior Center located at 420 E. Main St.

“As a homeowner in Madison County for over 20 years, I know the intense burden that rising property taxes can have on a family.” Stuart said. “Property taxes are always one of the main concerns voiced by my constituents when I am out walking door-to-door, and I encourage anyone who is concerned about the price of their property taxes to come out and see how they could potentially save a few dollars this year.”

Stuart’s free property tax seminar will include a presentation from the Collinsville Township Assessor’s office about what exemptions are available and how to begin the appeal process. There will be time after the presentation reserved for questions from attendees. Residents are encouraged to bring a copy of their most recent property tax bills and valid state ID.

“It is important that people know what exemptions they may be eligible for,” said Stuart. “Often times, residents do not even know what exemptions they may qualify for, especially those who need relief the most, such as our veterans and senior citizens, who are eligible for numerous exemptions.”

Rep. Katie StuartRep. Katie Stuart

112th District
Springfield Office:
253-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8018
District Office:
2105 Vandalia St.
Unit #16
Collinsville, IL 62234

Phone: (618) 365-6650