SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Legislation backed by state Rep. Fran Hurley, D-Chicago, to allow firefighter academy recruits to receive education on the history of the labor movement for firefighters recently passed out of the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support.

“The labor movement has been instrumental in implementing new regulations for safety, better pay and stronger benefits for Illinois firefighters,” said Hurley. “I think it is valuable for new firefighters to understand the important role the labor movement has played in keeping firefighters safe as they work to serve our communities in extremely difficult and dangerous situations.”

Hurley sponsored House Bill 2215, which will allow firefighter academy candidates to receive information that provides them with a historical perspective on the labor movement in the fire service from the Office of the State Fire Marshal. This education will provide information on how the two major labor unions representing firefighters have been the driving force behind nearly every advance and improvement in fire and emergency services and safety over the last 101 years. House Bill 2215, which was backed by the Associated Firefighters of Illinois, passed out of the Illinois House and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support, and now heads to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.

“Educating new firefighters on the history of the labor movement and the influence it has had on the fire service, with major advances for safety and other workers’ rights issues, will be very beneficial,” continued Hurley.

For more information, contact Hurley’s constituent service office at 773-445-8128 or RepFranHurley@gmail.com.

Rep. Fran HurleyRep. Fran Hurley

35th District

Springfield Office:
281-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-8200

Chicago Office:
10400 S. Western
Chicago, IL  60643
(773) 445-8128
(773) 672-5144 FAX

Orland Hills Office:
16033 S 94th Avenue
Orland Hills, IL 60487
(708) 233-9703