SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Yehiel Kalish, D-Skokie, is supporting legislation that would raise the baseline salary for Illinois teachers to both provide relief for working families and address the ongoing teacher shortage across the state.
“Teachers work long hours that extend well after class is dismissed,” said Kalish. “We need to recognize the professionalism of this field by providing a level of compensation that coincides with their level of training. As teacher’s struggle to make ends meet, their responsibilities have increased from not only being quality educators who prioritize the well-being of our kids, but individuals well versed in the areas such as mental health evaluation, conflict resolution, and first aid.”
House Bill 2078 would raise the wages of teachers in Illinois to $40,000 by the 2023 – 2024 school year. The bill meets this goal by incrementally increasing teacher salaries beginning next year, during the 2020 – 2021 school year, and is designed to help retain qualified educators across the state. Kalish voted to pass the proposal out of the Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter School Committee on Wednesday. The legislation is currently awaiting a vote in front of the full House.
“Illinois must take the lead in providing real relief for hard working teachers,” said Kalish. “When we retain and attract quality educators, the main beneficiary is our children and their educational development.”