“Many of my ideas for new legislation come out of conversations with students about their interests, needs and the issues they face in their daily lives,” said Kifowit. “Our young people have big ideas on how to make government work better for them, and this is especially important because they are the future of our state. My legislation ensures Illinois’ youth have a seat at the table in discussions that could impact them for years to come.”
Kifowit was joined by Adam Pauley, a junior at Aurora Central Catholic High School and a member of her Youth Advisory Council, to present House Bill 837 to the State Government Administration Committee. Her measure would create an Illinois Legislative Youth Advisory Council comprised of high school and college students between the ages of 16 and 22 serving one-year terms and helping draft legislation and advising lawmakers on issues affecting their peers. House Bill 837, which Kifowit drafted with the help of her own local Youth Advisory Council, passed out of the committee with bipartisan support and now moves to the House floor for consideration.
“We the young people are the future, and in a few short years it will be our task to take the mantle of leadership squarely on our shoulders and continue the work of those who came before us,” said Pauley. “This bill is an investment in that future.”

State Rep. Stephanie Kifowit, D-Oswego, was joined by Adam Pauley from her Youth Advisory Council to present House Bill 837 in the State Government Administration Committee.
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