SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In an effort to protect a women’s health care needs, state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, is supporting a bill that would grant every woman the right to have control over their reproductive health.

“It’s a woman’s fundamental right to make decisions of their reproductive health, saying otherwise, is a threat to their health and wellbeing,” said Jaime. “By legalizing a woman’s right to decide to continue her pregnancy or to have an abortion, we are working to create safer health procedures for women.”

Andrade is a co-sponsor of House Bill 2495 which grants every woman the right to decide to continue a pregnancy. The measure also requires insurances to cover the cost of abortion services. According to the World Health Organization, women who have access to birth control, are likely to pursue educational goals, and a career, both of which are vital to the care of a child. Allowing women to have control of their reproductive health is critical and can help reduce the health risks related to pregnancy, teen pregnancies, and the need for abortions.

“We must empower women to pursue their personal goals, and careers to increase their chance of welcoming their future children stable home environment when she becomes ready,” said Andrade. “I look forward to protecting the rights of women throughout the state.”

Rep Jaime AndradeRep Jaime Andrade

40th District
Visit Rep Jaime Andrade website
Springfield Office:
260-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8117
(217) 558-4551 FAX
District Office:
3657 N. Kedzie
Chicago, IL 60618
(773) 267-2880
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