“Protecting the safety and rights of workers across our state has been among my top priorities since day one,” Hoffman said. “Working men and women are the foundation of our communities, and they deserve greater protections to ensure job security,” Hoffman said. “That’s why I’m sponsoring a bill to create the Workers’ Protection Unit and the Worker Protection Task Force in the Attorney General’s office.”
Hoffman’s House Bill 358 establishes the Workers’ Protection Unit and the Worker Protection Task Force within the Attorney General’s office. The bill is crafted to oversee, strengthen and implement safeguards for workers in Illinois to ensure employers are providing safe working environments, paying employees adequately, and promoting competition among the business community.
“I am introducing this bill because it is clear that we need to address existing flaws and improprieties in the workplace to make sure the system is not failing workers’,” Hoffman said.
“I am committed to working with my colleagues to protect the best interests of working men and women across the state.”
Rep Jay Hoffman
Assistant Majority Leader
113th District
300 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5350
312 S. High St.
Belleville, IL 62220
(618) 416-7407
(618) 416-7409 FAX