CHICAGO – State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, will call on the governor and state legislative leaders to reactivate a dormant Violent Crime Task Force designed to provide recommendations to fight crime Thursday at a press conference in the Thompson Center scheduled for 3 p.m.

“Violence continues to impact families each and every day, and we need to take every route possible to address it,” Ford said. “The Violence Prevention Task Force is an underutilized tool that, if used, could provide comprehensive solutions focused on curbing violence within our communities.”

Ford will be joined at the press conference by Pastor Anthony Williams, a Berwyn pastor who lost his son one year ago to violence.

“Violence is the number one problem of the 21st Century, and we cannot become numb to its effects,” Williams said. “When we let the abnormal become normal, we allow the disease of violence to spread and hurt families. We cannot just talk about violence, we must take action to restore civility now.”

Created in 2013, the Violent Crime Task Force has not had any new appointments since the Quinn Administration. The task force previously worked with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) and focused on job opportunities for at-risk youth, assisting religious and community groups working to curb violence and with coordinating with mental health providers.

For more information, Williams may be reached at 708-690-5339. Ford’s office may be contacted at


Who: State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford; Pastor Anthony Williams, First Congregational Church (Berwyn); Dr. James MacKenzie, DO

What: Press conference calling for reactivation of state Violent Crime Task Force

When: Thursday, Feb. 21; 3 p.m.

Where: James R. Thompson Center Blue Room, 100 W. Randolph St., Chicago

Rep. La Shawn FordRep. La Shawn Ford

8th District

Springfield Office:
239-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-5962
(217) 557-4502 FAX

Chicago Office:
5051 W Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL 60651
(773) 378-5902