“Stalking is a serious problem, particularly for people who are trying to get out of an abusive relationship,” West said. “It’s easy for a stalker to escalate to violence, and that’s why we need to remove their ability to have access to guns.”
The West backed House Bill 887 adds stalking to the list of previous crimes that the State Police can use as justification to deny or revoke a FOID card. Such crimes include battery, assault, aggravated assault and violation of an order of protection. FOID cards are required for a resident to legally possess a firearm or ammunition.
“We must do all that we can to effectively curb and prevent violence within our community,” West said. “Preventing stalkers from having access to guns is a step in the right direction, and could potentially save lives.”
For more information, please contact West’s constituent service office at 815-987-7433 or Press@StateRepWest.com.