DECATUR, Ill. – State Rep. Sue Scherer, D-Decatur, visited with students at Our Lady of Lourdes School in Decatur last week to help teach young people about government and the importance of the democratic process.
“As a former teacher, it’s always a special day when I can get back into the classroom and help engage students in the civic process,” Scherer said. “Children in classrooms today will be the future leaders of tomorrow, and it’s important to help them feel a connection to their community.”
Each year, Our Lady of Lourdes School invites parents, grandparents, etc. to discuss their careers with students. As part of this year’s “career day” program, Scherer visited a classroom to explain what she does as a state representative in the Capitol.

State Rep. Sue Scherer takes questions from students about her job as state representative from students at Our Lady of Lourdes School in Decatur.
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