BELLEVILLE, Ill. – State Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, co-chair of the Pritzker administration’s Restoring Illinois’ Infrastructure Committee, responded on Tuesday to a recent committee report and renewed his commitment to work with subject matter experts to move the state forward.

“As we transition into the 101st General Assembly under the leadership of a new governor who shares a commitment to expanding infrastructure and creating jobs, we have a real opportunity to resolve issues that are important to us all,” Hoffman said. “Gone are the days of poor leadership and unkept promises.”

Last week, a report was published and released to the Restoring Illinois’ Infrastructure Committee which provided an assessment on the state of Illinois’ infrastructure. The document contains important information regarding the state’s infrastructure plan; its purpose was to brief committee members on policies and recommendations needed to overhaul infrastructure throughout the state.

As co-chair on the transition committee, Hoffman has been heavily involved in working with subject matter experts, engineers and other leaders to equip the newly sworn-in Pritzker administration on efforts it will need to pursue to begin implementing the state’s new infrastructure program.

“I am committed to ongoing efforts to improve our state’s infrastructure, which will create jobs in the process,” Hoffman said. “Doing so will require mutual cooperation from a variety of leaders and stakeholders involved during this process. Together, I am certain that we can move forward on behalf of the people of Illinois.”

Rep Jay HoffmanRep Jay Hoffman

Assistant Majority Leader
113th District
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