SPRINGFIELD, Ill – State Rep. Nicholas Smith, D-Chicago, helped pass bipartisan gun safety legislation to keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of those who pose an immediate danger to themselves or others.
“Republicans and Democrats in the General Assembly worked together and agree that something must be done to address the senseless gun violence in our communities,” Smith said. “By working with my colleagues, we were able to pass truly sensible gun safety reform that empowers families to protect their loved ones. We owe it to the people of our districts, and I am proud to be a sponsor of this legislation.”
Smith’s House Bill 2354 allows family members to petition the courts to suspend their loved one’s FOID card and confiscate guns from their possession if they are a threat to themselves or others. Both Republican and Democratic lawmakers joined Smith’s efforts to put families first and equip them with the legal tools necessary to ensure their own safety and provide assistance to those who need it.
“This is putting public safety first and putting another safeguard in place to prevent senseless gun violence in homes and communities throughout Illinois,” said Smith. “I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to pass legislation that will put families of my district and the state first.”
State Rep. Nicholas Smith represents Illinois’ 34th district, which includes all or parts of Cook, Kankakee, and Will Counties. His office can be reached by phone at 773-783-8800 or by email at repsmith34@gmail.com