SPRINGFIELD, Ill. –As a shortage of teachers continues to plague communities in all areas of Illinois, state Rep. Rita Mayfield, D-Waukegan, is supporting multiple legislative efforts to attract and keep educators in the state.

“Education in this state and the betterment of our children are amongst my top priorities in the legislature,” said Mayfield. “The steps we are taking in passing these important measures will reduce barriers to entry for young professionals who want to be leaders in our community.”

Mayfield voted to pass House Bill 5175, a landmark measure that ensures that teachers are paid a livable wage and aims to retain talented teachers within the state. She also has helped to move House Bills 4167, 5196 and 5627, measures that work to alleviate the pressure that teachers face by addressing Illinois’ shortage of teachers and breaking down burdensome barriers to entry. Under these proposals, teaching related fees are reduced, retired teachers are provided more flexibility to substitute teach and more experienced teachers in training would be eligible to apply for a substitute teaching license sooner. Additionally, teachers who receive their training outside of Illinois would be more easily able to transfer their qualifications to Illinois when looking for a job.

“When these proposals become reality, a lot of red tape and unnecessary hurdles will be reduced and we should see an influx of teachers to schools in our state,” said Mayfield. “Our state’s future depends on the ability to teach and retain the youth as a skilled workforce, and that isn’t possible without the hard work and dedication of good teachers.”

House Bills 4167, 5175, 5196 and 5627 passed the House Elementary and Secondary Education: Licensing, Administration and Oversight Committee and are awaiting action on the House floor.

Mayfield represents the 60th District, which includes the cities of Waukegan, North Chicago and neighboring communities.  For more information, please contact her district office at 847-599-2800 or 60thdistrict@gmail.com.

Rep Rita MayfieldRep Rita Mayfield

60th District

Visit Rep Rita Mayfield’s website

Springfield Office:
278-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 558-1012

District Office:
120 S Genesee St.
Waukegan, IL  60085
(847) 599-2800
(847) 599-2955 FAX