SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In response to Governor Rauner’s State of the State Address, state Rep. Larry Walsh Jr., D-Joliet, issued the following statement in response to the Governors outlook of Illinois:

“I think we can summarizes today’s State of the State Address with what the governor said last month: ‘I’m not in charge.’ Because every issue the governor touched on today are either the same political talking points he’s always used or things we in the General Assembly did without any of his input last year. The most obvious example of this is instead of working with us to address the state’s financial challenges, for 700 days the governor tried to prolong the budget crisis.

“The governor’s decision to do that caused our state’s debt to triple and we incurred millions of dollars in penalties for late payments. Rauner caused service providers throughout the state to close, denied lifesaving breast cancer screenings to thousands of women, and even blocked funding for domestic violence shelters. More so, the governor was willing to drag Illinois’ credit rating down to the verge of junk status, all just so he could to bust unions.”

“To solve all those issues, it took both Democrats and Republicans coming together-despite the governor’s games- to pass a balanced budget that put Illinois on a more economically stable path. Today the governor, despite facing strong challenges to his reelection, still seems willing to continue to down the same destructive path he’s travel last three years.

“Our governor needs to understand it’s time to start acting like he is the chief executive of this state. But if Rauner choses politics as usual, I will encourage everyone in the General Assembly to move forward without the governor and work together to get things done.

“Though I’m very skeptical this will happen, I do hope he chooses to come to the table and genuinely work with us.”


Rep Lawrence Walsh, JrRep Larry Walsh Jr

86th District

Springfield Office:
269-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8090
(217) 558-4502 FAX

District Office:
121 Springfield Avenue
Joliet, IL 60435
(815) 730-8600
(815) 730-8121 FAX