SPRINGFIELD, IL– In response to Governor Rauner’s State of the State Address, state Rep. Marty Moylan, D-Des Plaines, issued the following statement:

“The governor said again today that he wants reforms that include tax cuts, increased education funding, and a balanced budget; all of which I support and have tried to work with him to form the needed solutions. But it’s clear to me that these commonsense priorities are just his political talking points and not his actions.”

“Over the past three years, the governor continued to not take responsibility. He ignored his duties, and continued to blame everyone else for the crisis in this state. The governor chose not to lead when he vetoed legislation that would provide taxpayers with a clear accounting of the state’s debts. It is only after we unanimously rejected his veto in the House that the taxpayers are now able to see all the damage the governor’s budget crisis has caused.”

“Even with the education funding reform, the governor chose not to lead. Now he is trying to take credit for these historic reforms that increased funding for our locals schools even though they were accomplished without any of his input. Additionally, his decision to make last minute changes to the agreement has jeopardized much needed dollars from reaching our schools.”

“If the governor is indeed serious and wants to help our state to improve this year, he needs to stop trying the same tired tactics that have gotten us nowhere. The only way that can happen is if he comes to the table and works to compromise with Democrats and Republicans in the General Assembly. Otherwise we will be forced to continue to work without him to solve the state problems.”

Rep Marty MoylanRep Marty Moylan

(D-Des Plaines)
55th District

Visit Rep Moylan’s website

Springfield Office:
200-3S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-8007

District Office:
24 S. Des Plaines River Rd.
Ste. 400
Des Plaines, IL  60016
(847) 635-6821
(847) 635-8565 FAX