HOFFMAN ESTATES, Ill. – State Rep. Fred Crespo, D-Hoffman Estates, recently hosted his second Senior Resource Fair with the secretary of state’s office, attorney general’s office and the treasurer’s office, bringing vital state resources to the residents of Poplar Creek Village.
“I want to thank the Secretary of State’s office, the Illinois Treasurer’s office, and the Illinois Attorney General’s office for helping me bring important state services to Poplar Creek,” Crespo said. “I am pleased to have worked with Poplar Creek to host yet another helpful event for seniors in our community.”
Crespo partnered with Secretary of State Jesse White’s office to help local seniors renew their driver’s license or vehicle registration renewal sticker without having to leave Poplar Creek. Additionally, representatives from Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s office were on hand to help people learn about consumer fraud and how to protect themselves, and representatives from Treasurer Michael Frerichs’ office helped seniors search through their unclaimed property database.
For more information, or to search the Illinois treasurer’s office database of unclaimed funds, please visit their website at www.icash.illinoistreasurer.org or contact Rep. Crespo’s constituent service office at 630-372-3340.The state treasurer currently estimates that it holds $2.5 billion in unclaimed funds for Illinoisans. Common types of unclaimed property include checking and savings accounts, life insurance proceeds, and more. With valid identification, the funds can be returned to their respective owner or their beneficiaries at no charge.

Picture: State Rep. Fred Crespo (center) speaks with local residents at his Senior Resources Fair.
Visit Rep Fred Crespo’s Website
Springfield Office:
245-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0347
(217) 557-4622 FAX
District Office:
1014 E. Schaumburg Road
Streamwood, IL 60107
(630) 372-3340
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