BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – In an effort to remain open and accessible about state and local issues that matter to area residents, new state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, is hosting a “Coffee and Conversation” event to meet with residents on Saturday, Dec. 16 from 11 a.m. to noon at Grill House, located at 3061 Dundee Rd. in Northbrook.
“As a new state representative, I want residents to know that I am accessible to them,” said Carroll. “As your representative, I will be hosting events, going door to door and meeting with residents in more informal settings like coffee houses and restaurants.”
Carroll will be available to answer questions and address concerns that local residents may have, and to provide updates on the recent legislative session. These events are open to all 57th district constituents interested in discussing state and local issues. For more information, please contact Carroll’s constituent service office at 847-229-5499 or repjonathancarroll@gmail.com.
“To get the best sense of our needs and priorities, it is vital for me to regularly connect with people in our community,” Carroll continued. “Whether you just want to meet me, or have any questions about what is going on in Springfield, I encourage anyone who is interested to come out and join me for coffee.”