JOLIET, Ill. – In a continued effort to close the gender wage gap, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, recently supported an override motion of Gov. Rauner’s veto of a proposal to prevent employers from using wage history to unfairly determine an applicant’s salary.
“Even though there has been attempts to close the wage gap, efforts up to this point have not been fully effective,” Manley said. “This legislation provides another avenue to ensure that people are paid on their abilities and responsibilities by removing any biases that might have been included in their past salary.”
Historically, women and minorities have received smaller paychecks even when they complete the same work and have the same responsibilities as other employees. One way this discrimination has continued is by employers using an applicant’s past history against them, instead of making salary decisions based on experience, qualifications, past performance and responsibilities. The Manley-backed House Bill 2462 prohibits employers from asking job applicants for their past salary.
The measure passed the House with bipartisan support and is now under consideration in the Senate.
“I’m disappointed that Gov. Rauner vetoed a common-sense bill that would ensure that employees are paid on their merits,” Manley said. “However, by overriding his veto, Democrats and Republicans showed once again that they are ready and willing to work together to address issues facing the people of Illinois. I hope the governor will join us in these efforts.”
For more information, please contact Manley’s constituent service office at 815-725-2741 or