CHICAGO – In an effort to reduce the burden of rising property taxes facing residents in our community, state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, is co-hosting a property tax appeal seminar with Alderman Deb Mell and Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi on Thursday, September 21 at 6:00 p.m. at DePaul College Prep High School located at 3633 N. California Ave.
“The continued rise of property taxes is causing a real strain on the budgets of working families,” Andrade said. “Any relief can help folks pay their bills on time or afford unexpected costs.
Andrade’s seminar will feature a presentation by Cook County Board of Review Commission Michael M. Cabonargi explaining how to make an appeal and how appeals are granted. Attendees should bring a copy of their second installment property tax bill or make sure to have their property index number (PIN) available to be able to start the appeals process.
“Residents will be able to learn the ins-and-outs of the appeal process and hopefully save their families a few dollars on their tax bill,” Andrade said. “I’d like to thank Commissioner Cabonargi and his staff for coming out and assisting residents through the appeals process.”
The property tax appeal seminar is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact Andrade’s full-time constituent service office at 773-267-2880 or
Visit Rep Jaime Andrade website
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