CHICAGO – House Speaker Michael J. Madigan issued the following statement Thursday as bipartisan education funding reform was signed into law:

“Today is a victory for our schools, our students and our communities. It’s also a victory for compromise that I hope we continue to build on. By working together and in good faith, even when we do not totally agree, Democrats and Republicans have created a plan where every school district wins.

“There is more work to be done. As we move forward, it will be vitally important that the Legislature remain vigilant in protecting the funding mechanism passed. We’ll continue to find much common ground, but we will also undoubtedly face disagreements. Those disagreements do not need to be roadblocks. By continuing to work together, we can ensure all students throughout the state are receiving the support they need to be successful.”

Rep Michael J MadiganSpeaker Michael J. Madigan

Speaker of the House
22nd District

Visit Speaker Madigan’s website

Springfield Office:
300 State House
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-5350

District Office:
6500 South Pulaski Road
Chicago, IL 60629
(773) 581-8000
(773) 581-9414 (fax)