CHICAGO – After voting to pass a balanced, bipartisan budget state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, issued the following statement:

“Standing with Republican and Democratic colleagues, we passed a balanced budget that begins to repair the devastating damage that has been caused under Governor Rauner’s manufactured budget impasse.

“The compromise budget that we negotiated with Republican House members cuts state spending by nearly $3 billion by eliminating government waste and bureaucracy.

“Our bipartisan budget ensures that our neighborhood schools will open on time, critical services for our most vulnerable residents will be funded, and our higher educational institutions won’t be forced to close their doors.

“While this budget is a good first step, there is still more work to be done. We need to enact a graduated income tax in Illinois to provide tax relief for working families and make sure that millionaires and billionaires are paying their fair share.

“I urge Governor Rauner to join the House Republican members that have put the well-being of our state over partisan politics and continue to move our state forward.”

Rep Jaime AndradeRep Jaime Andrade

40th District

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